Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014


Aim: How do we evaluate our collective learning this semester?

Quick Write: What did you learn about yourself as a student this semester? What did you learn about yourself as a person?
         I learn a lot about myself in this semester. I learn that I had a fixed mindset at first and now it changed to a growth mindset. I want to thank you so much Ms. Becker for everything you taught me during this semester. You taught me things i didn't think i will know about myself. You really changed my mindset a lot more than what it was before. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Three Parts Of Habits

Quick Write: Identify simply the cue for one of your bad habits using the flow chart. Write about it. Quickly. (Make this a habit.)

The cue for one of my bad habit is every time its a special occasion i be around my friends that drink. It wont be the morning , it will be like around 10pm till whenever. We will be at a club or a party , just having fun. I don't think you need liquor to have fun. My opinion, but that's what they think.

Final Reflection: Write about a habit you want to change and why. Be sure to identify the three parts of this habit (cue, reward, routine) when you describe it.

I want to change my habit by not hanging around certain people and just be myself around them if anything. 

June 9th 2014

Quick Write: Write a six-word memoir. Not four words. Not five words. Not seven words. SIX. Exactly. For example: "Brain Science. Best. English. Class. Ever."

"Africa. Is. Where. I. Wanna. Be"

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fatoumata Hydara's Lesson !

Aim: Why does Bauby does not seem to feel sorry for himself? Did you feel his tone and vibe?

Quick Write:Write about what makes you happy in life and what makes you upset? If you was in Bauby potion what would you have done? Full details

Activity: Today's lesson is to read pages 81- 103 in The Diving bell and Butterfly; Discuss whether Bauby is a happy person or not with the class.  

Final Reflection: After reading and discussing what you think with the class, write your final reflection in your own word and opinion about what is happiness and what is Bauby happiness?


Aim: How do we define habit?    

Quick Write: Write about one bad habit you have and one good habit.
          One bad habit I have is studying. I really wanna change that because every time i try to study something little disturbs me. Even just playing with my pencil or doodling on the paper. One good habit I have is always giving (charity) its been a habit since I was a child. I would love to keep this habit because its part of my religion and that's something I will not want to change. Its just who I am.  

Reflection: Habits are routine behaviours done on a regular basis. Many of these habits we have we do them everyday but we might not beware of most of them. There a good habits and bad habits. We can use the productively by knowing what we do and think straight. These habits can really helps later on.   

Monday, May 19, 2014

Apirl 28, 2014

Quick Write: One of the most important memories i have is when my grandmother and aunt passed away. Every time i think about it i feel the pain. This is one of the most important memory to me because they was really a wonderful person in my life. They was there for me through it all. I can smell her cooking when i think about it. Oh gosh, everything happens for a reason.

Final Reflection: